Carpet Moth Killer Kits

The Best Performing Carpet Moth Kits on the Market
Fast - Easy - Highly Effective
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Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 1 Room Treatment

Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 1 Room Treatment

This comprehensive Carpet Moth Killer Kit will enable you to eradicate moths from 1 larger room and help keep the pests away for at least 3 months.

Delivered Next Working Day
£52.00 £71.73
Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Rooms Treatment

Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Rooms Treatment

This comprehensive Carpet Moth Killer Kit will enable you to eradicate moths from  2-3 rooms and help keep the pests away for at least 3 months.

Delivered Next Working Day
£92.00 £136.58
Moth Killer Kit - Extreme Power

Moth Killer Kit - Extreme Power

Our most Intensive, Powerful and Versatile Moth Killer Kit. Acts immediately to kill the Clothes Moths, Carpet Moths, larvae and eggs.

Delivered Next Working Day
£135.00 £193.35
Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 1 Room

Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 1 Room

The Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit for 1 room offers you everything you will need to eliminate carpet moths using natural effective moth killing products.

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£40.00 £55.28
Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Room

Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Room

The Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit for 2-3 room offers you everything you will need to eliminate carpet moths using natural effective moth killing products.

Delivered Next Working Day
£75.00 £88.53

Carpet Moth Killer Kits - More Details

Save Yourself £££'s as Standard & Get it Delivered Next Working Day as Standard in the U.K. Our Killer Kits are our Number One sellers for good reason. We've worked with our suppliers to make sure that the best combination of products have been placed together for you. We've also put together clear & simple guides to accompany our kits. This ensures that you apply your treatment safely, effectively and efficiently to maximise results and get your clothes moth infestation under control.

Killer Kit Benefits: All the products you need in one box, a clear guide on 'How to Use' safely and to best effect, delivered Next Working Day as standard, discounted as standard to save you £££'s, Gloves and Mask provided for your safety, access to a telephone helpline should you need someone to speak to.

Need Location / Situation Suggested Solution
Chemical treatment required where evidence of carpet moth damage has been found to rugs and carpets Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Hallways & Stairs Carpet Moth Killer Kit 1 Room,
Carpet Moth Killer Kit 2-3 Room or Moth Killer Kit - Extreme Power
Natural treatment required where evidence of carpet moth damage has been found to rugs and carpets Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Hallways & Stairs, kitchens Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit or Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kit 2-3 Room

More About Carpet Moth Killer Kits. We have 4 different Carpet Moth Killer Kits available; 2 are insecticide based and 2 are natural. All 4 of our kits will put you in control of your moth infestation and remove the carpet moths from your moth infested rooms. We've worked with our suppliers to create these effective Killer Kits to make sure that we provide you with the best combination of products to kill the carpet moths, larvae and eggs in your home.

Chemical Based Killer Kits: Moth Fumers (Smoke Bombs), Persistent Spray, Persistent Powder, Carpet Moth Traps (Pheromone based) and 'how to' guide. We provide you with a powerful combination of products that when used inline with the clear guide will kill the moths, larvae and eggs within your infested rooms.

Natural Based Killer Kits: You may need to (or prefer to) use natural products when treating your home for the removal of Carpet Moths. Our Natural Carpet Moth Killer Kits contain only natural products, but they are extremely effective at killing carpet moths, larvae and eggs. The persistent spray is a naturally derived insect killer and the powder is natural diatomaceous earth. The traps contain only natural moth pheromone to attract the male moth to the glue-strip within.

As with all treatments there is sometimes the need for repeat treatments to be carried out. Once you have carried out a Killer Kit treatment we recommend that you keep the treated room as clean and clutter-free as possible and remain vigilant. Looking for fresh traces of moth damage or evidence of moths will put you in a position where you can act fast if a repeat treatment is required. Kits provide you with sufficient spray and powder to repeat treat, and all of the products provided within our kits are available to purchase separately if required.

Kit Benefits:

    Available for 1 Room or 2-3 Rooms, providing you with only the product you need
  • Pre-discounted £££'s to save you money
  • Packed in a single box and delivered to you Next Working Day as standard within the U.K.
  • A clear 'how to' guide is provided so that you know exactly what to do to eliminate carpet moths, larvae and eggs, as well as how to use your kit safely and efficiently

We've helped thousands of customers deal effectively with moth prevention and damage by moths - with great pre- and post-sale support so that you're not alone, fast and secure delivery service, clear advice guides and ensuring that you have the right products to deal with your moth infestation, fast! - The Proven Range for Moth Control.

All backed by our unique 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Carpet Moths in Your Home - Moth Infestation Treatment & Moth Control

How to Get Rid of Carpet Moths

REMOVE your clothes from the affected closets, drawers or cupboards and vacuum really thoroughly. Pay particular attention to corners, edges, cracks and crevices as this is where eggs and larvae can get in deep, as well as fibres from your clothing. Vacuum carpets and baseboards in the room affected by clothes moths (see clothes moths traps).

  1. CLEAN - Before carrying out moth treatment, thoroughly vacuum the carpet, especially under furniture, along skirting boards and identified areas of carpet moth damage
  2. KILL - After an initial powder carpet moth treatment and further vacuuming, spray the carpet deep into the pile to kill carpet moths, as well as any moth eggs and / or moth larvae - we recommend our Insectaclear C and Insectaclear Strong as effective solutions - bestsellers at - Where you have moth damage to carpets, Fumers (also know as Smoke Bombs) are usually needed. Our Carpet Moth Killer Kits conveniently give the you the complete solution, including a natural option - developed with our customers and suppliers for rapid results, we ensure you have sufficient products and clear instructions to do the job properly first time and kill carpet moths!
  3. MONITOR AND REFRESH - Continue to vacuum thoroughly and place moth traps close to affected areas to monitor for adult moths and to break the breeding cycle. Consider respraying regularly to avoid a further carpet moth infestation

We've helped thousands of customers deal effectively with moth prevention and damage by moths - with great pre- and post-sale support so that you're not alone, fast and secure delivery service, clear instruction guides and by ensuring that you have the right products to deal with your moth problem, fast! - The Proven Range for Moth Control.

All backed by our unique 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Carpet Moths in Your Home - Carpet Moth Infestation. Treatments & Carpet Moth Killer Products

Carpet moths are similar to webbing clothes moths in that they spin webs in areas they reside and the ‘silken trails’ are often seen on carpets. Moths in carpets might also be the result of infestation by Webbing Clothes Moths - Clothes Moths are not adverse to causing damage to wool carpets and silk rugs. The MothPrevention Carpet Moth Killer Kits and individual carpet moth treatment products are effective in dealing with either variety of these closely related moths. Carpet moths can be stubborn residents and are usually evidenced by small ‘balding’ patches in the corners or edges of carpets and rugs. The carpet moth larvae can be difficult to see because they often take on the colour of the natural fibre carpet pile that they have consumed.

Carpet moth eggs are tiny, usually less than a millimetre in length and carpet moth larvae are very small when they first hatch. Carpet Moth Fumers are a key aspect of the conventional treatment approach and we do not advocate the use of aerosol fumers – smoke bombs are far more penetrative and spread better to reach the more hidden areas that carpet moth larvae are likely to inhabit. It is recommended that as part of your carpet moth treatment a strong product such as the Insectaclear D or one of our other persistent moth killer sprays is used, for the deep penetration of the spray application and because the product remains active for up to 20 days. Given how stubborn carpet moth larvae infestations can be, this can be a real advantage. Ideally, carpet moth spray treatments will be in conjunction with a powder solution such as Insectrol Powder to deal with active carpet moth larvae and to treat areas that cannot be sprayed, such as near electrical sockets.

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