Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Rooms Treatment

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The Carpet Moth Killer Kit for 2-3 rooms offers you everything you will need to easily eliminate carpet moths and save the significant expense of calling in professional pest controllers or suffering damage to your property. This comprehensive Carpet Killer Kit will enable you to eradicate moths, larve and eggs in up to 3 rooms and help keep the pests away for at least 3 months.

  • Save £££ compared to purchasing separately
  • Professional grade products safe for home use
  • Step-by-Step Guide provided
  • Covers 2-3 rooms
  • Kills Carpet Moths, larvae and eggs
Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Rooms Treatment

See how our Clothes Moth Traps have made Rachel’s house a home again.

Rachel owns an old cottage and has spent the last few years trying to deal with a home riddled with Clothes and Carpet Moths. It’s cost her a lot of time and money in the past. But now, with the help of MothPrevention Traps and Killer Kits, the moths are gone! Watch her video and hear her story.

Product Details

Contained within your Kit:

  • 3x MothPrevention Moth Traps
  • 6x Moth Prevention Moth Trap Refills (3x 2 Pack)
  • 4x 3.5g Mini Fumers
  • 2x 1L Moth Killing Residual Spray
  • 1x 500g Desi-Dust (Natural Diatomaceous Earth)
  • Gloves and Face Mask (FFP2 rated. Conforms to EN149:2001. Filters 94% of airborne particles)
  • A Straightforward Step-by-Step Guide

Product Breakdown:

  • 3x MothPrevention Moth Traps & 6x Refills (3x 2 Pack): Our moth traps are 100% natural and non-toxic. They work by using moth pheromones to attract sexually active male carpet moths and clothes moths to the glue strip within. Positioning them 3-6 feet high in your chosen room will reduce the number of adult males available to seek out females. Also, as textile moths are nocturnal it is not easy to know how many you have flying! Each Trap / Refill has a 3 month life once activated! You can protect your home for an entire season with this Kit! Using our traps will allow you to monitor the number of moths from the catch rate and act accordingly
  • 4x Moth Killing Fumers: A powerful knockdown smoke generator designed to be lit, smoulder and fill a room with smoke to kill any moths, larvae and eggs. 4 foggers are supplied in this kit which should cover 2-3 rooms. Don't worry - fumers won’t leave any residue or lasting smoky smells in your rooms! Coverage for Moths, larvae and eggs = 30m3 per Mini Fumer. You can find out more infirmation about using Fumers by reading our guide: Using Moth Fumers at Home
  • 2x Moth Killing Residual Spray - Insectaclear C:A ready to use insecticide based on Cypermethrin - specifically graded for amateur use in a domestic environment and is one of the strongest insecticides available for home use. An effective trigger spray treatment which can be used on most surfaces (not food preparation surfaces) to leave a persistently toxic layer that kills moths eggs and larvae. With 1L of spray you'll be able to treat carpets, rugs and other textiles and voids as well as have spray for a repeat treatment
  • Desi-Dust (Natural Diatomaceous Earth): A natural powder that although completely non-toxic to us will break down the outer barrier of an insects body to dehydrate and desiccate it. Pesticide Free, yet very effective at killing insects, larvae and eggs for as long as in position. Should ideally be left in place for 7-10 days
  • A detailed guide is supplied with this Killer Kit. Apply these products as instructed within our guide and you will get rid of the clothes moths in your home.

    Health & Safety:
    - Read all product labels before use
    - Children and Pets should not be permitted within a room where a treatment is being carried out or until treated surfaces are dry and the room aired
    - Plants should be removed from a room prior to any spray or fogger treatment
    - Store product in a cool dry area, away from food & water and out of reach of children
    - Do not use sprays near sources of heat or naked flame
    - We recommend the use of the provided mask & gloves when using any of our Spray, Fumers or Powder Treatments

    Product Code: AUKK005

    Data Sheets

    Carpet Moth Killer Kit - 2-3 Rooms Treatment

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    2-3 Rooms Carpet Moth Killer Kit by Moth Prevention
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