Moth Fumers – Insecticide Moth Smoke Bombs

Mini Fumer - 3.5g

Mini Fumer - 3.5g

Immediate knockdown product with no persistent effect. Kill moths, larvae ad eggs. Quick, simple and clean. Safe for use in bedrooms. Treat a room up to 30m3.

Midi Fumer - 15g

Midi Fumer - 15g

Immediate knockdown product with no persistent effect. Kill moths, larvae ad eggs. Quick, simple and clean. Safe for use in bedrooms. Treat a room up to 125m3

Protective Mask & Gloves

Protective Mask & Gloves

Recommended for use whether using any of our chemical or natural moth prevention powders or liquid treatments.


Moth Fumers - More Details

FREE Mask & Gloves (normally £5.95) when you Checkout with any of our Fumers! No need to add it to your Basket! We'll simply put it in your parcel for you when we ship! (1x Mask & Gloves per order)

Our Moth Fumers are used by professionals and certified safe for domestic use. Containing 13.25% w/w permethrin they work instantly to kill insects, larvae and eggs within an infested room. Effective for Carpet Moth fumigation, Clothes Moth fumigation, Carpet Beetle fumigation and other insects. Fumers are the most aggressive product available to the domestic customer and penetrate deeply into carpets, nooks & crannies, wardrobes & drawers, clothing & bedding to quickly bring an infestation under control.

We stock two sizes of Fumer: The Mini (3.5gm) and the Midi (15gm). Each is available to purchase as Singles and Bulk Buys to give you a broad choice to suit your situation. Purchase in bulk to save up to 10% compared to buying separately.

Fumers are an an effective, yet non invasive way to get your moth infestation under control. They only smoulder for approximately 30 seconds to provide sufficient smoke for the task at hand and will not leave an odour in your room or a residue of any on your furnishings.

Fumers can be used in bedrooms. Bedding and clothes can be left in place. Open wardrobe doors and drawers so that clothes can be thoroughly treated and safely against Clothes Moths.

Rate of Application for Carpet Moths, Clothes Moths, Eggs and Larvae
Fumer Size & Coverage 1x Mini Fumer (3.5gm)
= 30 Cubic Metres
1x Midi Fumer (15gm)
= 125 Cubic Metres
Calculating number of Fumer's Required for your room Multiply (L)m x (W)m x (H)m / 30 Multiply (L)m x (W)m x (H)m / 125

More About Carpet Moth Fumers.

FREE Mask & Gloves (normally £5.95) when you Checkout with any of our Fumers!
No need to add it to your Basket - We'll simply put it in your parcel when we ship!
(1x Mask & Gloves per order)

Moth Fumers are the most effective form of moth killing product on the market. These pre-measured small canisters of insecticide deliver precisely the amount of smoke into a room to kill carpet moths, clothes moths, other insects, larvae and eggs - hence their other names, smoke bombs & carpet moth bombs. Whether you're using moth bombs for house or in the attic they will kill effectively to rid your home of moths.

Insecto Moth Bombs contain the pesticide Permethrin (13.25% w/w), are certified safe for domestic use, and used by professional pest controllers.

All furniture and possessions can be left in the room to be treated and cupboard doors, wardrobe doors can be opened to allow the fumes easy access to all areas. If you are treating a bedroom you can safely leave bedding and clothing in place when fumigating for moths. Fumers need to be ignited for the contents to be released into the room being treated - Therefore they should be placed on a heatproof dish or baking tray. See our Fumer Blog Post for further instructions on how to fume a room. As with all of our treatments children and pets should not be permitted access to a room where a moth treatment is being carried out.

We strongly recommend that repeat treatments be carried out if fuming a room where an infestation of moths is well established. Repeating a fumigation after 7 days will have a significant impact on any eggs that were not killed with the initial application of moth fumers.

Please refer to the table above to calculate the number of fumers required for your room(s). If you would like to confirm your requirements please give one of our team a call: Telephone: 01300 321098 (Mon-Fri - 9am-5pm & Fri - 9am-4pm).

You will receive an instructional leaflet with your purchase explaining how to use fumers safely.

We've helped thousands of customers deal effectively with moth prevention and damage by moths - with great pre- and post-sale support so that you're not alone, fast and secure delivery service, clear advice guides and ensuring that you have the right products to deal with your moth infestation, fast! - The Proven Range for Moth Control.

All backed by our unique 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

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