How To Manage Your Autumn Season Closet Changeover

How To Manage Your Autumn Season Closet Changeover

Is it time to change to an Autumn Wardrobe? Are you beginning to feel a little chill in the air? Now that the Summer break is over and Autumn is on its way you may not feel quite warm enough to be wearing those light summer clothes. This is the time of year to sort through the lovely sundresses, linen pants and t-shirts that have worked so hard for you all Summer and think about storing them away until next Spring. At the same time you will want to revive your warmer garments that have been safely stowed away for the past six months.

In this guide we give you advice on how to manage your summer wardrobe and get your winter one into shape, ready for cooler times ahead.

Your Autumn Season Changeover Checklist

  • Repair and clean clothing so it stays in great condition for the next wear.
  • Thoroughly clean your storage spaces
  • Choose the right types of storage to suit your wardrobe and keep clothes away from light, damp or pressure damage
  • Refresh or replenish your refillable Closet Moth Traps and don’t forget that cedar chips and oils also need replacing or reviving.
  • Sort clothing into keep, donate or discard
  • Decide on your preferred wardrobe arrangement - colour coded , by occasion, department or capsule
  • Put a date in your calendar every few months to remind yourself to air out your stored summer clothing

Rework your Summer Wardrobe

You may find that during the summer months your wardrobe has become a little disorganised. You have probably been adding a few long sleeved items to your wardrobe and possibly wearing boots now and then.

We throw sweaters rather loosely back in drawers, and mix up our fashion favourites with other items that we hardly ever wear.

There is that thought ‘One day I will wear this’ or ‘This isn’t quite right for now but might work with a new top’.

Now is the time to be a little tough on yourself and ask the questions ‘Am I ever going to wear this again?’. ‘Do I still look great in it’?

Any garments that look a little underused or even overused, uncomfortable, or just downright impractical may be prime for being discarded. Take them to a thrift store, recycle, or sell them. You can include those high fashion items that were so on point this year but next year might look ridiculous!

woman holding a donations box full of clothing

Light weight sweaters, blazers and cardigans may already have made it into your Autumn wardrobe as the temperatures change and you adjust your apparel accordingly. Make sure you hold back a few lighter items so you are prepared in case there is a last burst of summer!

Preparing your Summer Clothes for Storage

Now that you have decided which garments will keep for next summer you will need to scrutinise each piece carefully and attend to any stains and snags straight away. Remember that marks such as grass stains and sunscreen are difficult to get out the longer you leave them.

You may even need to do a little light mending, along with checking for missing buttons and tricky zips. All your summer clothes should be stored clean so ensure they have been washed according to their care labels, or dry cleaned if necessary.

Storage Space and Storage Tips


You may have a large wardrobe that can both host your newly stored Summer wardrobe and keep your refreshed Autumn wardrobe in one place. Alternatively, with a little closet planning and organisation you can switch over your summer wardrobe into the storage spaces currently held with your winter clothing.

manage your fall closet

Plastic Containers

These are great for storing folded clothes but beware of cardboard boxes as they can attract insects and other nasties. Clothes Moths love dark crevices and will cause damage to your natural fibres like cotton and silk. If you are in any doubt then include a few cedar chips and use acid free tissue paper in between layers.

Garment Bags

Keep hanging clothes in clothes moth proof garment bags and, if you have them handy, then vacuum sealed bags are great for space-saving if you are short on storage areas. Make sure not to hang sweaters, otherwise they risk losing their shape.

Under the Bed

Storage boxes under the bed are another great space-saver for clothes and shoes. Make sure that they are the right size\depth as some beds have very low bases and there is nothing more frustrating than a box that won’t fit underneath! Boxes on wheels are even better for easy access.

Clothing Rack

This is perfect for bedrooms which don’t have a closet or if you need additional space. As well as a hanging rail you can get one with shelves which could help keep folded items and shoes all in one place.


trunk full of clothes

Of course if you are lucky enough to have a large trunk this might be just the solution you are looking for. Again your clothes should be arranged and folded neatly and ideally sealed in protective boxes and bags. We mention acid-free tissue paper quite a lot in our blogs but it really is a great way to separate precious garments keeping them fresh and moisture-free. Adding a few cedar chips or a spritz of lavender oil should help keep away any unwanted visitors!

For more seasonal clothes storage tips, check out the link!

Unpacking Your Autumn Wardrobe

This is the exciting time when you rediscover the clothes you put away last Spring. However, depending on how scrupulous you were when you packed them all away, you may still want to reassess a few rogue possessions that won’t quite make the cut this winter.

Check all your clothing is still fresh and undamaged and put to one side anything that you think may be worth donating or taking to the recycling.

Make sure your closet or rails are now ready to hold your winter clothing. Hang your coats, dresses, shirts and tailored items.

Prep drawers with draw-liners to keep fabrics moisture-free and smelling fresh. Fold any clothing that isn’t in danger of creasing.

Heavy coats and winter sports clothes may need a dedicated area or container separate from your everyday limited storage space. Remember that big cosy sweaters and knits also take up a lot of room so you will probably need to house them in a deep drawer or a few large plastic boxes with secure lids.

Take care not to overstuff your closet and drawers as this may attract clothes moths, you could consider adding a few cedar sachets to keep them scented and protected.

We also recommend using our range of effective clothes moth traps for your closet for ongoing protection from a clothes moth infestation.

Organising your Autumn Wardrobe

Finding the item you are looking for in a busy wardrobe can be time consuming. There are several ways you may like to consider arranging your clothing;

Colour Coding

color coding fall clothes

Our winter wardrobe tends to consist of darker colours from cosy navy knitwear, grey cashmeres and soft taupes. When you put clothing of similar colours together you can coordinate your outfits more easily. You can then group together patterns or mix them in according to their colour palette and create a section for brighter colours and stand-alone pieces.

There is no hard and fast rule to colour coding so have fun with it and make it work for you!


There is nothing better than opening your wardrobe in the morning and being greeted with a ready-to-wear outfit!

If you’re in a rush or just feeling uninspired about what to wear then having your wardrobe arranged with key pieces and matching accessories is the way to go.

You can keep the bulk of your clothing in a separate space or closet, if you have ample room for this method, and choose a select number of clothes that work for everyday.


This is better suited to those who have specific clothing for work or uniforms and helps making the change from day to evening wear super easy. Your casual weekend clothing can also have it’s own section so that you can slip seamlessly into your weekend styles.

Department Store

Sorting your wardrobe in a manner similar to a department store is one of the simplest ways to get organised. Putting together groups of tops, shirts, skirts, pants and dresses helps you to coordinate outfits with finesse!

fall season

Managing your seasonal changeover can save you a lot of time and hard work in the long run.  Once you have a regular routine it should ensure that the transition is relatively easy, guaranteeing you will have a fresh wardrobe and making the most out of your much-needed wardrobe space for years to come.

Check out our post on wardrobe organisation with year-round tips!

About MothPrevention

MothPrevention® speak to customers every day about their clothes moth issues - clothes moths are a species that are ever increasing and that can cause significant damage to clothes, carpets and other home textiles.

To date, we’ve helped over 250,000 customers deal with their moth problems. We have developed professional grade solutions including proprietary pheromones and trap design engineered to the highest production standards.

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