Can Carpet Moths Fly?

Moths are rarely a welcome sight in your home. After all, who wants their clothing, carpets, or pantry goods destroyed by nasty little bugs? Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify a specific pestilent moth species. However, knowing the exact type of moth you are dealing with can help you more easily eliminate it from your house. So what are Carpet Moths, and do they fly? We will cover all of this and much more right here!
Do Carpet Moths Fly?
Yes, adult Carpet Moths can fly. Although these moths aren’t particularly strong flyers, they manage to get around just fine. These pesky moths can get into houses through open windows, cracks, doors, and other small gaps. Moreover, Carpet Moths can lay eggs on furniture, used carpets, or other items that may then be carried into your home. Then, the carpet moth larvae eat through all nearby animal based materials.
What Are Carpet Moths?
Carpet Moths are a pestilent species of moth. In their natural environment, the larvae of the Carpet Moth feed on keratin, a type of fibrous protein. Keratin forms the structural components of feathers, hoofs, horns, fingernails, fur, claws, hair, and so on. However, it is also a key component in wool, silk, cashmere, and other premium fabrics and materials.
Unfortunately, Carpet Moths don’t always stay outdoors in nature where they belong. These moths are known for invading households, where they eat an array of textiles and fibres. Rugs, mats, and carpets that contain certain glues, natural threads, and wool are particularly predisposed to Carpet Moth infestations.
About Adult Carpet Moths and Larvae
Seeing adult Carpet Moths in your home may be indicative of an infestation. Though adult Carpet Moths are not responsible for most of the damage sustained inside your residence, their ravenous larvae can be a real issue. These worm-like caterpillars consume an array of materials, inflicting serious damage to carpets, rugs, furniture, and more.
Adult Carpet Moths lay eggs in quiet areas where there are plenty of food sources for their larvae to feast on. The larvae eat everything they can and then develop into adults. After they mate, the cycle of damage continues. So, the presence of adult Carpet Moths in your home should be taken seriously. This is why it is important to be able to identify these insects and eliminate them as soon as possible.
How to Identify Carpet Moths in the Home
Carpet Moths can be identified in a couple of ways. For one thing, you may notice the adult moths fluttering about. These small tan or brown moths are less than an inch in size and have a weak, sporadic flight pattern. In many cases, you will find them in houses that are under construction, in disused rooms, or in places where textiles are stored.
You can also identify Carpet Moth infestations based on the evidence left behind. If you suddenly notice threadbare patches in furniture or carpets, a Carpet Moth infestation could be to blame. The larvae of the Carpet Moth may also leave behind casings or cocoons.
How to Get Rid of Carpet Moths
See our extensive article on eliminating carpet moths from your home for a complete guide on how to get rid of carpet moths.
Click here to read the complete guide to getting rid of carpet moths.
Here's a short summary of what to expect:
Pheromone Clothes and Carpet Moth Traps can be used to get rid of adult Carpet Moths. If you suspect Carpet Moth eggs hidden beneath carpets, steam cleaning is another effective solution. There are also moth bombs, chemical carpet moth killer sprays and powders to consider. Remember, the sooner you notice and deal with a moth infestation, the better. That way, you can keep expensive carpet damage to a minimum.
Be sure to keep construction areas clean and closed off to the elements as soon as you begin installing carpets, especially if those carpets contain natural glues or fibres like wool. Look for Carpet Moths in carpet crevices, especially near the walls or under furniture. Since these moths and their larvae are small, they may be hard to see.

After treating your carpets, be sure to vacuum thoroughly. It can also be helpful to move from room to room, sealing off any doors behind you. This helps to keep Carpet Moth infestations from spreading back into the areas that you have just dealt with.
Finally, be sure to inspect any carpets, furniture, or items that have been exposed to the elements before bringing them into your home. After all, you do not want to bring concealed Carpet Moths into your household. If in doubt, treat any items with carpet moth-killing sprays before bringing them inside. Or, freeze them for a minimum of 72 hours to kill any hidden larvae or eggs.
FAQs on Flying Carpet Moths
Now that we've discussed what Carpet Moths are, whether they can fly, and how to get them out of your home, let's go over a few frequently asked questions about these pesky insects.
What is the fastest way to get rid of Carpet Moths?
Moth bombs can be one of the quickest ways to get rid of these frustrating pests. However, chemical moth-killing sprays are not always preferred. Therefore, steam cleaning is another quick and effective way to kill Carpet Moth Eggs and Larvae. A solution of vinegar and water can be sprayed in cracks and crevices to kill eggs and disrupt moth pheromones. After treating your home, it is wise to set Clothes Moth Traps to prevent infestations from reoccurring.
Are Carpet Moths visible?

Yes, Carpet Moths are visible in the adult phase. However, Carpet Moth Eggs and Larvae can sometimes be hidden in the pile of carpets or underneath installed carpets near your subfloor. So, just because you can't see Carpet Moths does not mean that they aren't in your house.
How do you check for Carpet Moths?
Look for signs of Carpet Moths, which include bald patches and threadbare spots on your carpets, larval casings, and sticky web-like substances. You can also check for eggs, webbing material and casings in dark crevices, near the floorboards, and the walls. Dead adult Carpet Moths are another sign of these insects.
Can Carpet Moths spread?
Yes, Carpet Moths can and will spread through your home. Therefore, if you notice the signs of an infestation, take steps to deal with it straight away. Seal all infested areas off while treatment is underway, and work from room to room if need be. Then, use Carpet Moth Traps and preventative moth repellents to keep Carpet Moths from returning.
What are carpet flies?
Carpet Moths and carpet beetles are sometimes referred to as carpet flies. Both are pestilent insects that should be eliminated from your household areas immediately, as they can be very destructive when left unchecked.

About MothPrevention
MothPrevention® speak to customers every day about their clothes moth issues - clothes moths are a species that are ever increasing and that can cause significant damage to clothes, carpets and other home textiles.
To date, we’ve helped over 250,000 customers deal with their moth problems. We have developed professional grade solutions including proprietary pheromones and trap design engineered to the highest production standards.